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Welcome to Earth Class Year 2

A message from Mrs Drew

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.  It is so exciting to be starting 2024 and we have lots of learning experiences ahead of us.  This term we are going to be focusing on London, in our Geography and History.  If anyone has any personal experiences of London or adventures they want to share please feel free to bring them into class.  Equally it is fun to look at maps with your children and try to work out what the symbols mean, or if looking at aerial shots, what things are.

Please keep talking to me about your thoughts or worries regarding your child as your input is invaluable in contributing to a positive and happy school life.

Mrs Drew


Important information

Spellings and homework will be given out on a Friday, to be handed in on the following Friday.  Spellings can be accessed on Spelling shed and will be a focus throughout the week with a final test on the Friday.  (Please see me if you need logins) 

Class Book

Tower Challenge

Earth class were challenged to build a tower from only spaghetti and marshmallows.  It was very tricky but they persevered and showed good skills problem solving. Plus it was fun!

Curriculum overview for Spring

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