Welcome to Mercury Class
A message from Mrs barker
It's a brand new year and a new start.
I am so looking forward to seeing you all and beginning our year together. We are going to spend lots of time together and go on lots of adventures.
I will update this page as we move through the the term.
Mrs Barker
Our Phonics Learning
This half term we will be beginning the first stage of our phonics journey.
We have started our phonics journey.
This week we will learn:
ur, ow, oi, ear
Please check your childs book bag for the sounds of the week.
Please click here for a copy:
Please take every opportunity to practie this with them and point the sound out in your everyday lives.
This will be updated as and when are ready for some little fun tasks.

Our curriculum overview for this term.

Parent information
Phonics information afternoon 16th Sept
Phonics information evening 23rd Sept.
Reading Books:
If you have given permission via Mrs Mansell, our new Little Wandle books will be sent home for home reading.
We will send them home on a Monday. They will be changed the following Monday. They MUST be in school EVERY DAY for reading groups.
(Due to their expense, any books not returned or damaged will incur a £3.50 fine)
Please see our reading page.