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SEND & Pastoral Information

Useful Documents relating to SEND

BEANS -Neurodiversity support Service for children on the NDD pathway


PACT : Parents and carers together


Pastoral Care

Drawing and Talking Therapy

Drawing and Talking Therapy is about children having time to think and make sense of any emotions they may be feeling.  It is non-confrontational and non-intrusive, child led support.  It can help with a huge variety of issues that children may be dealing with from loss and bereavement to bullying to being a young carer.  Drawing and Talking enables a child to express, in a visual form, worries from deep within the mind that they may not be able to talk about.

Our trained practitioner is: Mrs Morling



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We are an ELSA school.

Our ELSA practitioner is Mrs Morling.

ELSA is an emotional literacy support programme for pupils who have difficulties in understanding, identifying and managing their emotions so that they can develop these skills and subsequently become more emotionally resilient.


 Parent Hubs:

Kelsale Parent Hub 5th October 2,.30pm, then every Thursday afternoon. Welcomes mums and dads parenting together, mums and dads parenting alone, carers and grandparents.

Please keep an eye on your emails as we will send out regular invitations to courses and parent hubs throughout the term.

Useful Links

Below are links to resources and sites which offer support in the four areas of SEND:


SPCN - Suffolk Parent Carer Network

Speech and Language

NHS Norfolk and Suffolk : Links to current courses and webinars provide up to date advice and guidance on how parents and carers can support the young people in their life. All the workshops are recorded for you to watch at any time. 



Suffolk Family Carers work to support family carers of all ages. Please click on the above link to view the website.


A single place for Suffolk parents or carers to find parenting advice and support to help their child's development. Click on the image above.


A team of registered professionals within the National Health Service in the UK, working with practitioners and parents to develop new resources to support all of us to have a happier life.. Click on the image above to be redirected to the website.

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