Lunch Menu
Click on the link to see menus
The school works in partnership with Lunchtime Co. Our fantastic school cooks Lucy and Georgia work tirelessly to ensure that the children enjoy a home-cooked, nutritious meal.
Since September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) are entitled to a universal infant free school meal.
Lunches are ordered and paid for using Parentpay.
Free meals are available to those children whose parents receive certain benefits which are detailed online at and parents should use this website to apply.
Medical Diets and Allergies
If your child has a specific dietary need for a medical reason, we will work with you to create a menu to meet the needs of your child. We have a Medical Diet Procedure to follow, to ensure your child can safely eat with us. If you would like your child to have a school meal we would need to see a medical certificate from your child’s consultant. We can then proceed with creating a suitable menu. Please ask your school for the Medical Diet Request form. Once you have completed it please return to the school along with the Medical evidence, please ensure all details are correct and it has been signed. This will then be passed onto the Lunchtime Co team who will then create a safe menu for your child and implement as soon as possible.