
The school has a policy of restricted colours for school wear:
- Skirt/dress or trousers – navy, grey or black (jeans or jogging bottoms are not permitted)
- Shirt, polo shirt or blouse – white or pale blue
- Jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan - navy
- School fleece – navy with school logo on
- Socks and tights – white, grey or navy
During the warmer months children may also wear:
- Blue and white gingham dresses
- Navy, black or grey school shorts
Please mark all uniform clearly with your child’s name.
Uniform with our school logo on is available to purchase from the school office
- School Fleece (£14.00)
- Sweatshirts (£10.00)
- Cardigans (£11.00).
- P.E. bags, drawstring (£3.00)
We also have a supply of second hand clothing which is available for a very small charge. We hold preloved uniform sales at least once a term so please look out for dates in our newsletters.
PE Kit:
Sports kit
This kit should always be in school, in a drawstring bag which can be easily stored on your child’s peg.
- White T-shirt
- Black or navy shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor lessons
- Black or navy track suit bottoms and jumper for the colder weather
- Trainers for outdoor lessons
Children will also need:
- A pair of black plimsolls to wear in school. All of our children change their shoes when they come into school. This is not only hygienic but also reinforces out ethos of care and respect for our environment.
- A protective apron for painting should be supplied - an old shirt, adapted, is very suitable.
- In summer we ask that the children have a sun hat for playtimes.