Welcome to JUPITER Class- Year 4
Homework tasks will be set each Friday. For the time being, maths will be on paper. Spellings will be on Spelling Shed, where you can play games to practice your words. There is also an online test set every week.
This is the link to Accelerated Reader for book quizzes:
Wednesday is PE day but please make sure you have your PE kit in school at all times.
MTC Link (for use in school only):
Link for Spelling Frame:
A message from Mrs Jackson and Mrs Baynham
Welcome back Jupiter Class! We hope you had a lovely break and you're rested and ready for the new term!
Amongst other things, in history, we will be learning about the Anglo Saxons and in science we will be looking at the digestive system. In art we will be learning to draw and paint still life.
We will have help and support from Mr McMorrowand Mrs Preece, our amazing teaching assisstants.
We can't wait to see you all!
Mrs Jackson and Mrs Baynham.
Class book

Curriculum Overview: Spring Term